Sweet Potato Hash and Danish Cheese Cakes with Balsamic Dressing

Sweet Potato Hash and Danish Cheese Cakes with Balsamic Dressing

  • 25 min
  • 760 calories

For this recipe, you will sandwich Danish fetta between sweet potato hash cakes. The creamy texture from the fetta will complement the milder, and almost sweet hash. A simple side salad with a classic balsamic dressing rounds out this delightful midweek meal. Happy cooking! #youplateit


  • 1 Tablespoons of Balsamic Dressing
  • 0.5 Cups of Plain Flour & Cornflour
  • 450 Grams of Sweet Potato (Small)
  • 1 Small Bunch of Thyme
  • 2 Garlic Clove
  • 60 Grams of Danish Fetta
  • 1 75 Gram Pack of Mixed Lettuce
  • 1 Egg (pantry)

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Step-by-step instructions

Step 1

Prepare Batter:

In a large bowl, whisk together ¼ teaspoon salt, pepper, plain flour and cornflour. In a small bowl, combine egg with ¼ cup cold water. Slowly pour wet mixture into dry ingredients and whisk to combine completely.

Step 2

Prepare Ingredients:

Wash the fresh produce. Using large holes of a box grater, grate sweet potato and set aside. Peel and mince the garlic. Remove the thyme leaves; discarding stems.

Step 3

Prepare Cakes:

Add sweet potato, garlic and thyme leaves to taste to batter and using your hands, mix well to combine. Note: Make sure the minced garlic is incorporated well.

Step 4

Cook Cakes:

Heat 3 tablespoons olive oil in a large non-stick pan over medium-high heat. When oil is shimmering, scoop sweet potato mixture into pan, forming 6-8 even cakes working in batches if necessary. Press with spatula to flatten. Cook until golden brown, about 4-5minutes per side. Remove and place on a paper towel-lined plate. Season with salt and pepper.

Step 5

You Plate It:

Crumble fetta over half the potato cakes, then top each with another cake, forming sandwiches. Divide mixed lettuce evenly between plates and add sweet potato cake. Drizzle over balsamic dressing using as much as desired and serve immediately.

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